Juice Finance Evaluates Munchables Vulnerability And Funds Transfer Options

According to Foresight News, Juice Finance, a DeFi protocol within the Blast ecosystem,

2024-03-27 11:54:11   作者:  Bernardo52

According to Foresight News, Juice Finance, a DeFi protocol within the Blast ecosystem, is currently assessing the vulnerability of Munchables and evaluating all options regarding the transfer of funds. The wETH deposited by Juice Finance has not been affected, and all wETH belonging to Juice users remains within the Munchables contract. The Munchables team has temporarily suspended the related contracts, and all other Juice Vault and Core Juice systems remain unaffected. During this process, the Juice smart contract has not been attacked. Foresight News previously reported that Munchables was attacked today, with 17,400 ETH stolen, equivalent to approximately $62.5 million.




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