Bitcoin Price Crash Possible Amid Overbought Market Conditions and Increasing Profit-taking Sentiments, Analysts Predict

According to Cointelegraph: Bitcoin's recent price dynamics suggest a potential major c

2024-03-23 04:10:14   作者:  Bernardo52

According to Cointelegraph: Bitcoin's recent price dynamics suggest a potential major correction phase after a robust price rally in 2024. Bitcoin's BTC/USD pair is currently down approximately 13.5% from its year-to-date (and all-time) high near $74,000. The ongoing price retreat looks to be a bull market correction equivalent, an opportunity for the market to adjust and consolidate gains before potentially climbing again. BTC/USD weekly price chart. Source: TradingView History shows that adjustments during previous bullish cycles have resulted in a 20-40% format, which suggests a similar downturn may occur during the 2024 bull market. BTC/USD weekly price chart. Source: TradingView Furthermore, Bitcoin's current price surge has pushed its market into a deeply overbought state. As of March 22, Bitcoin's weekly Relative Strength Index (RSI) was roughly 77 – a level above 70 signals overbought market conditions and a likely price correction as traders may look to sell their holdings. Bitcoin NUPL vs. price. Source: CryptoQuant Additional indicators of a possible Bitcoin price crash come from its Net Unrealized Profit/Loss (NUPL) data, a measure that shows the propensity for profit-taking and increased selling pressure, which in turn leads to significant Bitcoin price declines. BTC/USD weekly price chart. Source: Rekt Capital/TradingView According to analysts like Rekt Capital, Bitcoin is entering a "Danger Zone" after its latest fall, with the price potentially dropping to the $40,000-42,000 area before the halving event in April. Conversely, trader Aksel Kibar forecasts the BTC price to stabilize around $57,500. BTC/USD weekly price chart. Source: Aksel Kibar/X




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BNB Greenfield 网络即将进行 Pawnee 硬分叉并带来一系列更新和改进
据Odaily星球日报报道,BNB Greenfield 网络将进行 Pawnee 硬分叉,为平台带来一系列更新和改进。测试网硬分叉预计于 3 月 27 日 UTC 时间上午 7:00 的区块高度 6,623,127 发生,主网硬分叉预计于 4 月 10 日 UTC 时间上午 7:00 的区块高度 6,239,529 发生。所有验证者和存储提供者需在硬分叉前更新至最新版本。 即将到来的硬分叉不会影响用户在 Greenfield 上的账户余额,所有存储的数据仍将可访问。新的改进包括支持原子更新、允许删除处于创建状态的对象等,旨在提升用户体验和简化 Greenfield 上的开发流程。自 ……
据Odaily星球日报报道,SEC主席Gary Gensler在哥伦比亚法学院会议上发表演讲,指出加密货币市场需要一些“消毒”。Gensler强调,加密货币交易所需要向监管机构注册,加密公司与传统金融公司一样,都受到相同的规则约束。他在演讲中特别提到,金融市场的披露需求,如关于气候和网络风险的信息,能够提高市场效率并最终保护投资者。Gensler还提到,有些加密证券市场的参与者试图避免这些注册要求,导致缺乏必要的强制性披露。“没有注册意味着没有强制披露。许多人会同意加密货币市场可以使用一点消毒剂。”……






