Space Nation Online: Web3 MMORPG Game Set for Closed Beta Release in April

According to Foresight News, Space Nation, a space-themed Web3 MMORPG game, has release

2024-03-20 13:17:33   作者:  wanglaowu

According to Foresight News, Space Nation, a space-themed Web3 MMORPG game, has released a trailer for its upcoming game, Space Nation Online. The game will feature four main factions, be supported by the Unity engine, and offer both PvE (player versus environment) and PvP (player versus player) functionalities. Space Nation Online is expected to launch a closed beta version on PC on April 1st, followed by a soft release on PC later this summer, and a global release on both PC and mobile devices in the fall. Space Nation Online previously stated that it plans to undergo a series of developments over the next year, including enhancing the AI+Web3 universe, redefining the connection between players and MMOs, and using AI to create personalized stories for an immersive interactive experience for players.




ParaSwap Discovers Serious Vulnerability Affecting Augustus V6 Contract Users
According to Foresight News, DEX aggregator ParaSwap has discovered a severe vulnerability affecting users of the Augustus V6 contract in approved aggregator smart contracts. ParaSwap has temporarily suspended the V6 API and conducted a white-hat attack to ensure the security of funds. These fund……
ParaSwap 发现严重漏洞并暂停 V6 API
据 Foresight News 报道,DEX 聚合器 ParaSwap 发现影响批准聚合智能合约 Augustus V6 合约的用户的严重漏洞。ParaSwap 已暂停 V6 API,并进行白帽攻击以确保资金安全。这些资金已安全地保存在以 0x66E90 开头的安全钱包中,并将很快退还给用户。用户需撤销对 AUGUSTUS V6 合约的权限。目前有 4 个地址受到影响,总计损失 24,000 美元。查看原始新闻……
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PANews 3月20日消息,近日,基于熟人关系的Web3社交基础设施UXLINK公布了首批生态项目,包括Bubble AI、1Gen Labs、Pond、MetaCene、BacGames、Space Nation、EarlyBird3等十余个,多为AI、Gamefi赛道项目。据UXLINK社区介绍,项目越丰富,用户受益越多,数据积累越厚,可以为开发者和AI项目带来的价值越大,他们将持续开放协议,与社区和开发者共建生态。查看原始新闻……






