AI Coins Gain Momentum as NVIDIA Conference Highlights Potential

According to CryptoPotato, AI coins are gaining momentum in the crypto industry, with B

2024-03-18 23:18:50   作者:  wanglaowu

According to CryptoPotato, AI coins are gaining momentum in the crypto industry, with Bittensor (TAO) leading the AI token market with a market cap of over $4.5 billion. Render (RNDR) and (FET) are also standout assets, experiencing rapid increases in value and showcasing the potential of AI in blockchain technology. This week, NVIDIA Corporation, the global manufacturer of GPUs, is hosting a conference dedicated to AI in San Jose, California. NVIDIA's growth is largely attributed to the artificial intelligence sector and the rise of protocols such as OpenAI's ChatGPT, which demand substantial computational power. Bittensor (TAO) is the top token in the AI coin market, with a total market capitalization of over $25 billion. It has been among the best-performing crypto assets for months, hitting a fresh all-time high of $743 on March 18. Bittensor is an open-source protocol that utilizes blockchain technology to create a decentralized machine-learning network. Its native token, TAO, enables users to extract information from the ecosystem while tuning its activities to meet their needs. The second-biggest token in the niche is Render (RNDR), which also tapped an all-time high, peaking at $13.50. Its gains on a monthly scale are over 130%. RNDR has hit a 24-hour daily volume of more than $1 billion, surpassing all other AI tokens in this metric. RNDR stands behind the Render Network Foundation, a leading provider of decentralized GPU solutions that aims to revolutionize the digital creation process. The third-largest token in the sector is (FET), which has a market cap of around $2.6 billion and a price of $2.55. The latter represents a 260% jump on a 30-day scale and is a few cents south of the all-time high witnessed on March 14. is a blockchain platform that employs artificial intelligence to help people automate everyday tasks like booking a flight, parking space, and other services.




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