Court Documents Reveal Sam Bankman-Fried's Image Restoration Plans Following FTX Bankruptcy

According to Cointelegraph: New court documents filed by US prosecutors have brought to

2024-03-18 01:31:27   作者:  520btc

According to Cointelegraph: New court documents filed by US prosecutors have brought to light the potential image restoration strategies of Sam "SBF" Bankman-Fried following the collapse of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX in 2022. Google document from Bankman-Fried’s email account. Source: U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York The attached Google document, part of the March 15 sentencing memorandum, contains 19 "random probably bad ideas" Bankman-Fried brainstormed to potentially shift the narrative surrounding FTX's downfall. These vary from public political aligning and media engagements to anti-Binance sentiments. Moreover, the documents suggest Bankman-Fried was considering setting up "Archangel LTD," an alternative to the FTX bankruptcy scenario that would result in the emergence of a new trading platform. The prosecutors posit that these ideas reflect Bankman-Fried's potential likelihood to repeat fraudulent activities, hence their recommendation for a 40-50 year sentence. The former FTX CEO was convicted in November 2023 on charges of fraud and money laundering. Despite the considerable sentence recommendation, it falls short of the maximum 110-year sentence anticipated under U.S. sentencing guidelines. Conversely, Bankman-Fried's defense team seeks a sentence of less than seven years. The final sentencing decision by Judge Lewis Kaplan is scheduled for March 28. The prosecutors argue that Bankman-Fried's defense submissions seem to frame his crimes as misunderstandings or errors. This interpretation is supported by the letters submitted by his defense seeking a reduced sentence. Roughly a year after FTX's downfall, a jury trial found Bankman-Fried guilty of all seven charges brought against him, to which he pleaded not guilty.




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