Opentensor Foundation to Announce Bittensor Roadmap Next Week

According to PANews, the Opentensor Foundation has announced on Twitter that it will re

2024-03-17 12:20:47   作者:  Bernardo52

According to PANews, the Opentensor Foundation has announced on Twitter that it will reveal the Bittensor roadmap next Thursday. The foundation also disclosed plans to expand Bittensor beyond the root network, implement sudo governance, and adopt a Proof of Stake (PoS) mechanism by 2024. The Opentensor Foundation's upcoming announcement is expected to provide more details on the future development and direction of the Bittensor project. By expanding beyond the root network and implementing sudo governance, the foundation aims to enhance the project's decentralization and security features. The adoption of a PoS mechanism will further contribute to the project's sustainability and energy efficiency. As the roadmap is unveiled next week, stakeholders and interested parties will gain a clearer understanding of the project's goals and the steps required to achieve them. This information will be crucial for investors and developers looking to support and contribute to the Bittensor ecosystem.




Solana Chain DEX Transaction Volume Reaches Record High
According to Foresight News, data from DeFiLlama shows that the transaction volume on Solana chain DEX reached a record high of $3.808 billion yesterday. This marks a significant milestone for the platform as it continues to gain traction in the decentralized finance space.……
据Odaily星球日报报道,链上分析师 ai_9684xtpa 监测指出,过去四小时内,某巨鲸从 Aave 中取出 1000 枚 MKR 并分笔卖出(价值 288 万美元),卖出价格约为 2880 美元,MKR 现价 3038 美元。 该巨鲸曾在 2023 年 10 月 28 日以均价 1446 美元 从交易所转出 4077 枚 MKR,并在过去一周内卖出了其中 2720 枚,获利 359 万美元。查看原始新闻……
PANews 3月17日消息,据链上分析师余烬监测,某新建地址在过去6个小时里买入2998枚MKR(约910万美元)。据悉,该地址先从币安提出2332枚ETH(约825万美元),然后通过CoW Swap将这些ETH兑换成2957枚MKR,再加上从币安提出的 41枚MKR,该地址在过去6个小时总共买进了2998枚MKR,均价2808美元。查看原始新闻……
PANews 3月17日消息,据链上分析师ai_9684xtpa监测,过去四小时内,某巨鲸从Aave中取出1000枚MKR并分笔卖出(价值288万美元),卖出价格约为2880美元,MKR现价3038美元。该巨鲸曾在2023年10月28日以均价1446美元从Bitget转出 4077枚MKR,并在过去一周内卖出了其中2720枚,获利359万美元。查看原始新闻……






