Cryptocurrency Liquidations Reach $182 Million in 24 Hours

According to Foresight News, data from Coinglass reveals that liquidations across the c

2024-03-08 18:47:30   作者:  链谈快讯

According to Foresight News, data from Coinglass reveals that liquidations across the cryptocurrency market reached $182 million in the past 24 hours. Long positions accounted for $74.4 million, while short positions made up $108 million of the total liquidations. Bitcoin liquidations amounted to approximately $41.11 million, and Ethereum liquidations were around $36.57 million.




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Binance Trending Tokens Daily Update (March 8)
1. $PEPE: +23.62% 2. $EOS: +13.59% 3. $SHIB: +12.49% ? Explore more on Binance Square now:查看原始新闻……






