Bitcoin Spot ETFs See $472 Million Inflow, Fidelity ETF FBTC Leads

According to PANews, Bitcoin spot ETFs experienced a total net inflow of $472 million o

2024-03-08 18:47:22   作者:  链谈快讯

According to PANews, Bitcoin spot ETFs experienced a total net inflow of $472 million on March 7th. Grayscale's ETF GBTC saw a single-day net outflow of $374 million. The Bitcoin spot ETF with the highest single-day net inflow was Fidelity's ETF FBTC, with a net inflow of approximately $473 million. The current historical total net inflow for FBTC has reached $6.02 billion. Following Fidelity's ETF FBTC, BlackRock's ETF IBIT had a single-day net inflow of $244 million, bringing its historical total net inflow to $9.69 billion. As of the time of writing, the total net asset value of Bitcoin spot ETFs is $54.09 billion, with the ETF net asset ratio (market value compared to Bitcoin's total market value) reaching 4.08%. The historical cumulative net inflow has reached $9.37 billion.




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