Renowned Biologist Richard Dawkins Acknowledges 'Dawkoin' Meme Coin

According to BlockBeats, on March 27, renowned British evolutionary biologist, animal b

2024-03-27 11:54:15   作者:  Pluto2023

According to BlockBeats, on March 27, renowned British evolutionary biologist, animal behaviorist, and science writer Richard Dawkins acknowledged the creation of a meme coin called 'Dawkoin' on social media. Dawkins mentioned that the coin was created to commemorate his birthday on March 26 and the creation of the term 'meme' in 1976. He expressed his amusement, stating that he did not know what it meant but found it interesting. Tesla CEO Elon Musk later responded to Dawkins' tweet with a 'laughing crying' emoji. Market data shows that the Solana-based meme coin, Dawkoins (DAW), is currently priced at $0.0018, with a 24-hour increase of 24.61%.




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