Crypto Researcher Claims Meme Coins Are More Accessible And Equal Than NFT Collections

According to BlockBeats, Ryan Selkis, the founder of cryptocurrency research firm Messa

2024-03-10 00:36:37   作者:  链谈快讯

According to BlockBeats, Ryan Selkis, the founder of cryptocurrency research firm Messari, stated on March 9th that meme coins are more accessible and equal than NFT collections. He believes this is the reason why the scale of meme coins is 5-10 times larger than that of NFTs. Selkis' statement highlights the growing popularity of meme coins in the cryptocurrency market. These digital assets, often based on popular internet memes, have gained traction among investors and traders due to their accessibility and affordability. In contrast, NFT collections, which consist of unique digital art pieces and collectibles, can be more exclusive and expensive, limiting their appeal to a smaller audience. As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, the debate between the value and potential of meme coins and NFTs is likely to persist. However, Selkis' comments emphasize the importance of accessibility and equality in the digital asset space, which could influence the future development of both meme coins and NFTs.




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