BounceBit Testnet Officially Launches with New Features

According to PANews, the BounceBit testnet has officially launched, introducing several

2024-03-08 19:20:10   作者:  链谈快讯

According to PANews, the BounceBit testnet has officially launched, introducing several new features. The launch includes BounceClub activities, which offer early access to BounceClub, and BBScan, a browser that tracks all activities on the BounceBit network. Additionally, the testnet allows users to stake both BounceBit's native token, BB, and the unified mapping of BTC, known as 'BBTC' token. The BounceBit testnet aims to provide users with a platform to explore and test the various features and functionalities of the BounceBit network. The introduction of the dual-token staking feature enables users to stake both BB and BBTC tokens, offering more flexibility and options for users participating in the network. The launch of the BounceBit testnet marks a significant milestone in the development of the BounceBit ecosystem, as it paves the way for further advancements and improvements in the future.




RUNE Price Surges Over 31% In 24 Hours, Reaching $8
According to BlockBeats, on March 8th, market data showed that the price of RUNE surged, touching $8. The current price stands at $7.813, representing a 24-hour increase of over 31%.查看原始新闻……
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Mirror L2 宣布将在一周内开放测试网
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