Bitstable: A Bitcoin Ecosystem Stablecoin Mining Project with Over 100% APY

According to BlockBeats, Bitstable, a stablecoin mining project in the Bitcoin ecosyste

2024-03-31 11:39:14   作者:  AndrewZhou

According to BlockBeats, Bitstable, a stablecoin mining project in the Bitcoin ecosystem, offers a comprehensive annual percentage yield (APY) that may have already exceeded 100%. The project can be understood as the MakerDAO of the Bitcoin ecosystem, with two methods of minting coins. The first method involves over-collateralization, using assets such as BTC, MUBI, and ORDI to mint DALL. The second method involves minting coins through stablecoin exchange. Bitstable aims to provide users with a high-yield investment opportunity within the Bitcoin ecosystem. By offering two different methods of minting coins, the project caters to various investment preferences and strategies. The over-collateralization method allows users to leverage their existing assets, while the stablecoin exchange method provides a more straightforward approach to minting coins. As the project continues to gain traction, it is essential for potential investors to conduct thorough research and assess the risks associated with such high-yield opportunities. While Bitstable's APY may be attractive, it is crucial to consider the project's long-term sustainability and potential market fluctuations that could impact returns.




据Bloomberg报道,美国和英国正在审查通过俄罗斯虚拟交易所加仑特克斯(Garantex)进行的逾200亿美元加密货币交易,以打击绕过制裁支持乌克兰战争的行为。知情人士表示,受审查的支付交易是通过与美元挂钩的加密货币USDT在莫斯科的加仑特克斯交易所进行的。自加仑特克斯被列入制裁名单以来,这些交易一直在进行。 拜登政府自战争初期以来一直试图打压加仑特克斯等加密货币交易所。知情人士表示,这笔200亿美元的交易可能是自战争开始以来对俄罗斯实施制裁的最大违规行为。他们还警告说,由于加密货币交易的复杂性和不透明性,调查仍在进行中,目前还无法预测调查结果。知情人士表示,目前尚无迹象表明在英属……
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PANews 3月29日消息,据彭博社援引知情人士的话称,美国和英国正在调查通过俄罗斯加密交易所Garantex进行的超过200亿美元的USDT交易。据悉,这些交易发生在Garantex因涉嫌为俄罗斯金融犯罪提供便利而受到美国和英国制裁之后。知情人士表示,调查仍在进行中。鉴于加密货币交易的复杂性和不透明性,现在预测结论还为时过早。目前还没有迹象表明Tether Holdings存在不当行为。本月早些时候,Garantex表示,它积极与欧洲和美国当局合作,以防止该交易所被用于非法活动。Garantex于2019年在爱沙尼亚成立,但美国政府表示其大部分业务目前都位于莫斯科。……






