Dogecoin Price Surges Past $0.20, Market Cap Nears $30 Billion

According to CryptoPotato, Dogecoin's price has surged past the $0.20 mark for the firs

2024-03-28 20:06:45   作者:  Pluto2023

According to CryptoPotato, Dogecoin's price has surged past the $0.20 mark for the first time since December 2021, with its market capitalization nearing $30 billion. The meme coin's recent rally has been driven by increased trading volume and active addresses, as well as speculative whale movements and endorsements from public figures like Elon Musk. As a result, Dogecoin now ranks as the ninth largest cryptocurrency. Key indicators related to Dogecoin's ecosystem have also shown significant growth. Data from IntoTheBlock reveals that aggregated daily volume, with transactions larger than $100,000, has jumped by nearly 100%. Additionally, daily active addresses have increased by 13%. CoinGecko's data indicates that Dogecoin's trading volume for the past 24 hours reached $5.5 billion, surpassing Solana's SOL ($4.1 billion) and Ripple's XRP ($1.9 billion). The recent rally coincides with a slight resurgence in the cryptocurrency market and increased activity from whales. A mysterious person or entity recently transferred more than 1 billion DOGE, worth over $200 million at current rates, to an unknown wallet. This move sparked speculation within the crypto community, with some suggesting that the whale might be Tesla CEO Elon Musk, a known supporter of Dogecoin. Musk has previously hinted that Tesla may accept DOGE as a payment method in the future and has pledged to continue supporting the token.




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PANews 3月28日消息,腾讯云宣布深化与Mysten Labs和Sui区块链的合作。腾讯云区块链RPC现已支持Sui区块链,并邀请Sui开发者使用腾讯云RPC,为Sui生态的下一个超级dapp做出贡献。腾讯云区块链RPC平台依托腾讯云高性能服务器,部署多链节点,结合腾讯云强大的安全组件,帮助Web3开发者便捷接入各类区块链网络开展业务。目前支持 20 多个区块链网络,包括以太坊、BSC、Solana、Polygon、Scroll、SUI 和 Manta等。查看原始……
PANews 3月28日消息,据Cointelegraph报道,Hildobby创建的用于跟踪以太坊质押进度的Dune Analytics仪表板显示,该网络的验证者数量达到100万,其中质押的3200万枚ETH占总供应量的26%。此外,大约30%的ETH是通过以太坊质押池Lido进行质押的。虽然验证者的数量可以转化为区块链更高的安全性,但一些社区成员认为验证者太多可能会带来问题。风险投资者和以太坊倡导者Evan Van Ness表示,可以说已经“太多”了。运营质押池的Gabriel Weide认为,太多的验证者最终会导致“交易失败”。……






