Bitcoin ETFs See Net Inflows of $417.98 Million, Grayscale Experiences Outflows

According to PANews, on-chain analyst Yu Jing reported that ten Bitcoin spot ETFs exper

2024-03-27 19:36:14   作者:  Bernardo52

According to PANews, on-chain analyst Yu Jing reported that ten Bitcoin spot ETFs experienced a net inflow of funds amounting to $417.98 million on March 26th. It is estimated that after the US stock market opens on March 27th, the ETF custody addresses will see a net inflow of approximately 6,018 Bitcoins. Among them, Grayscale (GBTC) experienced a net outflow of about 3,058 Bitcoins, while the remaining nine ETFs had a combined net inflow of approximately 9,076 Bitcoins, mainly from Fidelity (FBTC) and BlackRock (IBIT), which together accounted for 6,354 Bitcoins. Currently, the ten Bitcoin spot ETFs hold a total of about 825,040 Bitcoins. The difference in Bitcoin holdings between BlackRock (IBIT) and Grayscale (GBTC) is now less than 100,000. According to the current trend, BlackRock's holdings may surpass Grayscale's in half a month.




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BNB Chain 3 月 24 日日交易量突破 22 亿美元,超过以太坊和 Solana
据 The Defiant 消息,DeFillama 追踪数据显示,2024 年 3 月 24 日,BNB Chain 日交易量突破 22 亿美元,占去中心化交易所(DEX)总交易量的 25% 以上。 这一重要的里程碑标志着自 2023 年 5 月以来,在主要与 Solana 相关的 memecoin 热潮中,BNB Chain 的表现首次超过以太坊和 Solana。查看原始新闻……
据Odaily星球日报报道,DeFiLlama数据显示,以太坊链上DEX 3月26日交易量为25.6亿美元,排名重回第一。BSC链上DEX日交易量为18.52亿美元,排名第二;Solana链上DEX日交易量为13.69亿美元,排名第三。查看原始新闻……






