Hong Kong Housewife Loses $908K in Fraudulent Crypto Investment Platform

According to CryptoPotato, a 46-year-old housewife in Hong Kong reported losses of 7.1

2024-03-24 09:57:01   作者:  Plbbdwl

According to CryptoPotato, a 46-year-old housewife in Hong Kong reported losses of 7.1 million Hong Kong dollars ($908,000) after investing in a fraudulent crypto investment platform. The woman did not realize she had been scammed until a year after the incident when she discussed the investment with her family. One of the fraudsters contacted the victim through Instagram in July 2022 and urged her to invest in cryptocurrencies through a link to a fraudulent trading platform. The suspects tricked the woman into transferring over $900,000 into 15 bank accounts for crypto investments from August 19, 2022, to March 4, 2023, during which time she received no profits on her investments. Unidentified sources said she became suspicious of the scheme when she could not withdraw her assets or contact the fraudsters, including the fake customer service representative. After she figured the crypto investment was a scam, the housewife reported it to the local police force earlier this week, and investigations are ongoing. Detectives from the Western District, Hong Kong, discovered that the name of the fraudulent crypto trading platform was linked to similar scam reports through Scameter, a platform that allows the public to check for suspicious or fraudulent web/IP addresses, emails, platform usernames, bank accounts, and mobile phone numbers. Although no arrests have been made, the police have classified the case as “obtaining property by deception,” which is punishable by up to ten years imprisonment. The Hong Kong police revealed that there has been an uptick in crypto investment scams amid the rising adoption of digital assets in the territory. Last year, financial losses from crypto investment fraud spiked 42.6% to HK$3.26 billion from HK$926 million in 2022. The number of reports also increased to 5,105 in 2023 from 1,884 the year before.




Sablier Raises $4.5 Million in Seed Funding Round
According to PANews, real-time payment protocol Sablier has announced the completion of a $4.5 million seed funding round. Participants in the round included A Capital, Fenbushi Capital, WAGMI Ventures, GD1 web3, Cyfrin, DCV, Founderheads, and angel investors Daniel Bar, Ben Middleton, and Evan. ……
شركة Sablier تجمع 4.5 مليون دولار في جولة التمويل الأولي
وفقًا لـ PANews، أعلن بروتوكول الدفع في الوقت الفعلي Sablier عن استكمال جولة تمويل أولية بقيمة 4.5 مليون دولار. وكان من بين المشاركين في الجولة A Capital، وFenbushi Capital، وWAGMI Ventures، وGD1 web3، وCyfrin، وDCV، وFounderheads، والمستثمرين الملائكيين Daniel Bar وBen Middleton وEvan. بالإضافة ……
PANews 3月23日消息,据Decrypt报道,链游公会Yield Guild Games(YGG)已开始探索下一个重大演变,即从链游公会转型为链游公会协议。YGG表示希望成为基础设施层,使所有公会能够在链上和游戏中蓬勃发展,同时考虑使用代币化凭证和工具来管理资产和角色,并与区块链游戏深度集成。查看原始新闻……
PANews 3月23日消息,据官方消息,实时支付协议Sablier宣布完成450万美元种子轮融资,A Capital、Fenbushi Capital、WAGMI Ventures、GD1 web3、Cyfrin、DCV、Founderheads以及Daniel Bar、Ben Middleton、Evan等天使投资人参投。与此同时,Sablier还宣布获得了a16z加密创业加速器的资助,具体金额暂未披露。Sablier主要提供链上代币分发和资金流解决方案,此前已将协议部署至Optimism、Arbitrum和Avalanche网络。……






