Aptos Gains 16% While Majority of CoinDesk 20 Assets Weaken

According to CoinDesk, in its bi-weekly market update, CoinDesk Indices (CDI) reported

2024-03-23 04:10:11   作者:  Bernardo52

According to CoinDesk, in its bi-weekly market update, CoinDesk Indices (CDI) reported that 18 out of the 20 assets in the CoinDesk 20 Index (CD20) weakened over the course of this week. However, Aptos (APT) stood out as an exception, gaining 16% and reaching a record high market cap above $6 billion. Three constituents experienced declines of more than 10%, with Polkadot's (DOT) 15% decline and Cardano's (ADA) 13% drop leading the way. The CoinDesk 20's weighted return for the week was a negative 5.4%, with bitcoin (BTC) dropping 5.1%. In the broader CoinDesk Market Index (CMI), Layer 1 Smart Contract Platform Fantom (FTM) rose 40% ahead of the network’s Sonic upgrade, which aims to increase transaction processing speeds. The CoinDesk 20 tracks top digital assets and is investible on multiple platforms. The CMI comprises approximately 180 tokens and seven crypto sectors: currency, smart contract platforms, DeFi, culture & entertainment, computing, and digitization.




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ETF需求下滑,比特币或迎来 2024 年最糟糕的一周之一
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