Ethereum Developers Discuss Consensus Layer Changes and Pectra Upgrade

According to PANews, during the 130th Ethereum Core Developer Consensus (ACDC) conferen

2024-03-22 22:42:31   作者:  Marvin

According to PANews, during the 130th Ethereum Core Developer Consensus (ACDC) conference call, developers discussed and coordinated changes to the Ethereum Consensus Layer (CL). This week, they focused on outstanding action items related to the Dencun upgrade, Pectra upgrade proposals, and improvements to the Ethereum network layer. Ethereum Foundation researcher Danny Ryan highlighted two main proposals, EIP 7251 and EIP 7547, during the discussion of Pectra code changes, emphasizing the urgency of making decisions. He pointed out that the team needs to make a decision by the end of March to achieve Electra's functional prototype and development network in May. Ryan believes that although these changes are important, they cannot be delayed any longer, or the default result may be not adopting these proposals. Eventually, developers agreed to include EIP 7251 (increase max_effecve_balance) in Pectra and continue to study EIP 7547 (inclusion list) for possible inclusion in the upgrade. Additionally, developers discussed a proposal draft by Ethereum Foundation researcher Ansgar Dietrichs to gradually increase the number of Blobs per block from six to a maximum of 16 Blobs within four months after the Pectra upgrade. This would further reduce the cost of data availability and the cost of Layer2 rollups based on Ethereum. Ryan expressed support for the proposal, provided that three key conditions are met: 1. Reliable data on blob performance; 2. Activation of EIP 7623 in Pectra, limiting the maximum block size; 3. Further discussion on the exact mechanism for increasing blob count based on time. Ryan encouraged developers to express their thoughts on this proposal in the coming weeks. The meeting also discussed two draft proposals on light client development, including sync committee penalties and light client data backfill components. The conference sought opinions from CL client teams on these components, particularly the impact of EIP 7251 (increase max_effecve_balance) on large validator penalty conditions participating in the sync committee. In terms of network updates, developers proposed some new network technologies and improvement measures, including a new authenticated subnet (attnets) method to optimize network performance and a new control message aimed at reducing node bandwidth.




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