Bitcoin's Next Halving Event Expected in April, Exact Date Unknown

According to Blockworks, Bitcoin's next halving event is anticipated to take place in t

2024-03-22 22:42:25   作者:  Plbbdwl

According to Blockworks, Bitcoin's next halving event is anticipated to take place in the second half of April, but the exact date remains uncertain. Block reward halvings reduce the supply of new bitcoin by 50% and are considered catalysts for price growth and a foundation for BTC's perceived four-year market cycles. Halvings do not affect the overall difficulty of bitcoin mining, but they do reduce the reward, effectively doubling the cost of bitcoin production. The specific time and date for halvings are impossible to pinpoint due to the random nature of bitcoin mining. Satoshi Nakamoto designed Bitcoin's issuance to be cut in half every 210,000 blocks, with protocols ensuring blocks are found every 10 minutes on average. It takes approximately 2.1 million minutes to mine 210,000 blocks, which translates to around four years. Miners use specialized machines, application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), capable of producing trillions of hashes per second. The rate of block discovery is influenced by the global block difficulty, which is adjusted every 2,016 blocks. The difficulty is increased or decreased based on the time it took to discover the previous 2,016 blocks. Due to the stochastic process of finding blocks and the unpredictable nature of block production, it is not feasible to know when the next block or halving will occur. However, the upcoming halving event is expected to happen soon, and its impact on the market will be closely monitored.




PANews 3月22日消息,欧易OKX行情显示,比特币价格短时跌破63000美元,最低跌至62824.6美元,现报63424美元,日内跌幅4.75%。查看原始新闻……
据 Bloomberg 报道,欧洲证券监管局(ESMA)在加密货币监管方面面临资源不足的问题,这可能导致欧盟在关键监管举措上落后于其他国家。自今年1月美国批准比特币交易所交易基金(ETF)以来,美国已吸引了超过110亿美元的净流入。欧盟各国在加密货币规则的实施上存在差异,给企业和投资者带来困惑。ESMA可能会在今年底或2025年初报告其调查结果。截至2022年底,欧洲统一监管的集合投资基金(Ucits)管理着12万亿欧元(13万亿美元)的资产。加密货币在机构投资者中的需求近几个月来急剧上升。……
PANews 3月22日消息,欧易OKX行情显示,比特币价格短时跌破63000美元,最低跌至62824.6美元,现报63424美元,日内跌幅4.75%。查看原始新闻……
PANews 3月22日消息,Greeks.live宏观研究员Adam在X平台发文表示,本周加密市场出现显著变动,2.5万张BTC期权和25万张ETH期权即将到期,涉及的名义价值分别达到17亿美元和8.9亿美元。BTC期权的Put Call Ratio为0.56,最大痛点为67000美元;ETH期权的Put Call Ratio为0.51,最大痛点为3500美元。上周末的市场反弹未能持续,比特币价格未能维持在70000美元以上,导致本轮上涨趋势受阻,市场迎来深度回调。同时,Put需求激增,主要期限的隐含波动率大幅上升,但Put持仓交割量有所下降,说明大量Put已被获利平仓,市场的恐慌购买……






