Solana-Based Decentralized Exchanges Surpass Ethereum in Trading Volume

According to CoinDesk, Solana-based decentralized exchanges (DEX) have experienced high

2024-03-20 19:26:45   作者:  Bernardo52

According to CoinDesk, Solana-based decentralized exchanges (DEX) have experienced higher trading volumes than their Ethereum counterparts over the past seven days. The trading volume in Solana-based DEXs increased 67% to $21.3 billion, while Ethereum-based DEXs saw a 3% rise to $19.4 billion. This shift has led to Solana replacing Ethereum as the No. 1 smart-contract blockchain by trading volume. The increase in Solana's volume is attributed to the meme coin frenzy and the blockchain's higher capital efficiency compared to Ethereum and other chains. Solana's DEX volume-to-total value locked (TVL) ratio, a measure of capital efficiency, has recently outpaced Ethereum, suggesting a higher level of operational efficiency within its ecosystem. Reflexivity Research's recent report commissioned by the Solana Foundation supports this claim. Solana's SOL token has jumped 68% to $170 this year, while ether has rallied 40% to $3,214 and the CoinDesk 20 Index, a measure of the broader crypto market, added 33%. Despite Solana's recent surge, Ethereum remains the world's biggest smart-contract blockchain in terms of the total value locked in the DeFi ecosystem, with $46.44 billion versus $3.6 billion in Solana.




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据 PANews 报道,DeFiLlama数据显示,基于Solana的去中心化交易所(DEX) 的交易量在7天内增长了 67%,达到213亿美元。同期,基于以太坊的去中心化交易所的交易量增长了3%,达到194亿美元。Solana上有17个DEX,Orca交易量排名第一,占Solana生态DEX总交易量的88%。在以太坊上,Uniswap在46个DEX 中处于领先地位。分析称,Solana生态DEX交易量的大幅增加是由基于Solana的Meme币WIF、BONK、BOME和SLERF的投机狂热所推动的。 截至发稿时,过去24小时DEX Screener上最热门的代币来自Solana。投机……






