Burve Protocol V1.0 Set to Launch, Offering Fair Token Launches and Transparency

According to PANews, Burve Protocol V1.0, a new generation Automated Market Maker (AMM)

2024-03-20 16:02:02   作者:  wanglaowu

According to PANews, Burve Protocol V1.0, a new generation Automated Market Maker (AMM) protocol, is set to launch soon, along with its first Launchpad project. Developed by Burve Labs based on the Bonding Curve mathematical theory, the protocol aims to address the challenges of balancing fair launches and Launchpad transparency. Projects executed through the Burve AMM function protocol can ensure that no participant can obtain free tokens, thereby guaranteeing fairness and transparency in the circulation of launched tokens in the market. This makes it a friendly Launchpad participation opportunity for ordinary investors. Burve Protocol serves as an ideal platform for ordinary investors to discover Alpha projects. With its robust DEX functionality and token economy system, the protocol not only offers a simple and fast token issuance method for Token Owners but also ensures the true reflection of token value. The prices of launched project tokens will directly reflect the community's recognition, expectations, and real use cases of the project. There will be no additional issuance, nor will there be any pre-locking or zero-cost acquisition of tokens by the project party. Each token on Burve Protocol is backed by a corresponding value reserve locked in a contract, providing ordinary investors with a more intuitive assessment tool to identify potential Alpha projects. The first Launchpad will launch several potential projects in the coming days, including Bull, a social ecology DAO community crowdfunding project; ClosedAI, an AI+ data analysis project; FAI, an AI digital human project; and Meme projects Poosh Inu and VeMe (Verse of Meme). These projects cover popular tracks such as AI, Meme, and social ecology, with more high-quality projects covering different popular tracks waiting to be launched later. To participate, users can visit https://app.burve.io/, connect their wallets, view upcoming tokens in the Upcoming Tokens section, select or search for tokens, enter the purchase amount and perform a swap, and view their holdings in My Burve. Burve Protocol has already completed audits with multiple audit firms, and the V1.0 Launchpad adopts a fair launch approach to ensure that ordinary investors can participate early rather than passively taking over later. By purchasing tokens at lower prices early on, ordinary investors can enjoy high returns from their early investments later. In the future, Burve Protocol will also launch numerous sub-products to further enrich the profit channels for ordinary investors.




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