Bettors Place Almost $100M on Polymarket on U.S. Presidential Election, Bullish on ETH and SOL

According to CoinDesk: Polymarket users, betting on the crypto-based prediction market,

2024-03-18 23:18:49   作者:  Joshua Walsh

According to CoinDesk: Polymarket users, betting on the crypto-based prediction market, are showing overstated confidence in former President Donald Trump's victory in the upcoming presidential election. Almost $100M has been wagered, making it Polymarket's largest market so far and almost doubling the peak volume of all crypto-based prediction markets in 2021. RFK's chances are not zero, according to traders on Polymarket. Despite the polls suggesting a close competition, bettors on Polymarket are leaning towards Trump, giving him a 52% chance of victory. Holders of opposing views believe there's a chance of other candidates stepping in or Biden leaving the race last minute. Still, using prediction markets like Polymarket, which financially incentivizes participants, can potentially yield more accurate forecasts than traditional polls. This surge in the popularity of prediction markets showcases the growing tendency of bettors to stake on crypto-related outcomes such as the achievement of an all-time high for a given cryptocurrency coin. Additionally, on this platform, bettors are showing strong confidence that Ethereum (ETH) will reach an all-time high in 2024, as will Solana's SOL, though they believe SOL will get there first. As the dynamics of the crypto market continue to evolve, these prediction trends offer valuable insights into trader sentiment and future market potential.




基于Solana的Slerf Meme币募集1000万美元,尽管开发者误烧代币
据CoinDesk报道,Slerf是一个基于Solana网络的树懒主题Meme币,尽管开发者在预售中误烧了流动性提供者和代币,但仍在所谓的预售中筹集了1000万美元,并迅速获得了人气。SLERF的推出是开发者在预售中筹集数百万美元的结果,推动了Solana的SOL代币价格飙升,自2021年11月以来首次突破200美元大关。尽管出现重大失误,但最新的Solana Meme币预售叙事中涌现出的代币在上线后几小时内便获得了多个交易所上市、17亿美元的交易量和数千名独立持有者。周一,Slerf在预售中筹集了1000万美元。然而,该项目背后的开发者在意外将代币发送到一个无人控制的燃烧地址后,最终损……
Meme 项目 LADYS 将 100% 返还额外筹集的 SOL
据 PANews 报道,Meme 项目 LADYS 在 X 平台修改了其关于 Milady Wif Hat 额外筹集的 SOL 的处置方式,称额外筹集的 SOL 将返还 100%。查看原始新闻……
Milady Wif Hat预售已关闭,额外筹集的SOL将返还75%
PANews 3月18日消息,Meme项目LADYS在X平台表示,Milady Wif Hat预售现已关闭。额外筹集的SOL将返还75%,25%添加至流动性池。此前消息,投资者需警惕Solana链上MEME币预售的高风险。查看原始新闻……
LADYS将Milady Wif Hat额外筹集的SOL返还比例改为100%
PANews 3月18日消息,Meme项目LADYS在X平台修改了其关于Milady Wif Hat额外筹集的SOL的处置方式,称额外筹集的SOL将返还100%。查看原始新闻……


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