DeFi Technologies' Subsidiary Valor Partners With Bitcoin Suisse AG And STOXX To Launch Digital Asset Blue Chip ETP

According to Foresight News, cryptocurrency native company DeFi Technologies has announ

2024-03-18 21:36:41   作者:  Pluto2023

According to Foresight News, cryptocurrency native company DeFi Technologies has announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary Valor has partnered with Bitcoin Suisse AG and STOXX to launch the 1Valour STOXX Bitcoin Suisse Digital Asset Blue Chip ETP. The ETP tracks the STOXX Digital Asset Blue Chip X Index, which is based on a rule-based passive index methodology and utilizes Bitcoin Suisse's global cryptocurrency classification for asset categorization.




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澳新银行与 Chainlink Labs 合作实现代币化资产全球流动和结算
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币安将上线ETHFI 1-50倍U本位永续合约
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