Pro-XRP Attorney John Deaton Launches Senate Campaign, Sets $1M Fundraising Goal

According to Cointelegraph: John Deaton, a well-known advocate for the cryptocurrency X

2024-03-18 01:31:31   作者:  Marvin

According to Cointelegraph: John Deaton, a well-known advocate for the cryptocurrency XRP, has announced his intention to run for a Senate seat in Massachusetts, aiming for a campaign fund of $1 million. His goal is to challenge prominent crypto critic Senator Elizabeth Warren in the upcoming elections. In a recent public statement, Deaton declared he had already contributed $500,000 of his own funds to the campaign. He appealed to his large online following of over 324,000 to help him raise the remaining target in either cash or cryptocurrency. The elections are scheduled for September 3. Deaton’s confidence in his ability to challenge long-term incumbent Senator Warren has sparked interest among major figures in the crypto world, including Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson, who publicly announced his donation to Deaton's campaign. Deaton's Senate campaign appears to hinge on challenging "the Washington elites," accusing incumbent Senator Warren of accomplishing little for Massachusetts. Despite his significant ties to the crypto world, he has opted to keep the topic of cryptocurrency out of his campaign messaging for now. The upcoming election and Deaton's strong ties to the digital assets industry, however, may further spotlight the escalating tension between crypto advocates and critics in government positions, including Senator Warren. Her recent comments alleging close relationships between the crypto sector and Washington insiders further underscored the broader narrative of ongoing scrutiny of crypto regulation and industry lobbying.




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