DAO Maker Expands to Solana Network and Adds $2 Million SOL Liquidity Pool on Raydium

According to PANews, DAO Maker has announced its expansion to the Solana network. As pa

2024-03-17 12:20:46   作者:  Pluto2023

According to PANews, DAO Maker has announced its expansion to the Solana network. As part of this expansion, the company will add a $2 million SOL liquidity pool on Raydium. In addition, DAO Maker plans to launch four Solana IDO projects and will list YOURAI on Raydium next Tuesday. The move to expand to the Solana network is a significant step for DAO Maker, as it will enable the company to tap into the growing ecosystem of the Solana blockchain. The addition of the $2 million SOL liquidity pool on Raydium will provide more opportunities for users to participate in the Solana ecosystem and benefit from its features. The upcoming launch of four Solana IDO projects and the listing of YOURAI on Raydium further demonstrate DAO Maker's commitment to supporting the growth and development of the Solana network. This expansion is expected to bring more attention and investment to the Solana ecosystem, benefiting both DAO Maker and the broader Solana community.




BOME 个人持仓量第一地址 sundayfunday.sol 将 1.9 亿枚 BOME 转换为 1.96 万枚 SOL
据吴说报道,BOME 个人持仓量第一地址 sundayfunday.sol(AcLH...ST8z)在 3 月 17 日 5:46 至 6:38 期间通过 Raydium 将 1.9 亿枚 BOME 转换为 1.96 万枚 SOL,当前价值约 362 万美元。目前 sundayfunday.sol 仍持有 12.42 亿枚 BOME,价值约 2980 万美元。查看原始新闻……
DAO Maker宣布将扩展至Solana网络,即将推出4个Solana IDO项目
PANews 3月17日消息,DAO Maker推特宣布将扩展至Solana网络,将在Raydium上添加200万美元的SOL流动性池,即将推出4个Solana IDO项目,并将于下周二在Raydium上线YOURAI。查看原始新闻……
PANews 3月17日消息,据链上分析师ai_9684数据,过去4小时,BOME TOP1持有者@SundayFundayLFG首次将1.9亿枚 BOME出售为19640枚SOL ,获利376万美元(平均成本0.00004691美元)。该聪明钱的出售导致BOME币价短时下跌 12%(0.019888 美元> 0.017703美元),目前他仍持有12.42亿枚代币,价值2758万美元。查看原始新闻……
DAO Maker将扩展至Solana网络并推出4个Solana IDO项目
据Odaily星球日报报道,DAO Maker宣布将扩展至Solana网络,计划包括在Raydium上添加200万美元的SOL流动性池;即将推出4个Solana IDO项目;以及下周二在Raydium上线YOURAI。查看原始新闻……


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