Trader Earns $123,000 in 14 Hours from Meme Token BOME Presale

According to CryptoPotato, a trader known as Shatter.sol has made a profit of around $1

2024-03-15 21:20:11   作者:  Alexandre

According to CryptoPotato, a trader known as Shatter.sol has made a profit of around $123,000 by investing 50 SOL in the presale of the meme token BOOK OF MEME (BOME). Lookonchain reported that Shatter.sol received 170.25 million BOME tokens in return for their investment and promptly liquidated their entire holding for 767 SOL. BOME, created by crypto artist Darkfarms, has quickly gained attention in the crypto space for its concept of a permanent storage library for memes. Darkfarms introduced the BOOK OF MEME project on March 12, describing it as a versatile platform with features such as a renewable electronic magazine, a multifunctional meme creation tool, and a CC0 meme library. The 24-hour pre-sale for BOME began on March 13, with token allocation based on the proportion of SOL contributed by each participant. The pre-sale exceeded Darkfarms' initial expectations, raising a total of 10,131 SOL. As a result, the value of the BOME token surged by over 3,000% in the last 24 hours, reaching a price of $0.005 per token, according to CoinGecko data. Darkfarms gained fame with his NFT series, SMOWL, released two years ago, and has consistently produced Pepe meme images and NFT series since then.




投资者在BOME预售中投入50 SOL,14小时后获得约12.3万美元回报
据 CryptoPotato 报道,Lookonchain 数据显示,一名用户在 Meme 币 BOOK OF MEME(BOME)的预售中投资了50 SOL,最终获得了767 SOL的回报,折合约12.3万美元。这位名为 Shatter.sol 的交易者成功利用了 BOME 代币的爆炸性增长。Lookonchain 表示,Shatter.sol 在 BOME 预售中投入50 SOL,获得了1.7025亿个代币。交易者迅速将全部 BOME 代币兑换为767 SOL,获得约12.3万美元的利润。BOME 是加密艺术家 Darkfarms 的作品,旨在为 Meme 创建一个永久存储库。3月1……
Oasis Ventures在Solana区块链上的BOME投资收益率超过3000%
据Odaily星球日报报道,加密基金 Oasis Ventures 宣布,在 Solana 区块链上对 BOME 的投资收益率目前超过 3000%,收益超过 2000 枚 SOL。查看原始新闻……


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