US Securities and Exchange Commission Website Possibly Hit by DDoS Attack

According to PANews, the official website of the United States Securities and Exchange

2024-03-15 16:41:51   作者:  520btc

According to PANews, the official website of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was found to be down, displaying a 'Page not found' message. This has raised suspicions that the website may have been targeted by a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. A DDoS attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt the normal functioning of a targeted server, service, or network by overwhelming it with a flood of internet traffic. The SEC is responsible for regulating and enforcing federal securities laws, and its website is a crucial source of information for investors and the public. The disruption of the website could potentially impact the accessibility of important financial data and updates. As of now, there is no official confirmation from the SEC regarding the cause of the website's downtime or any potential DDoS attack. Further information and updates are awaited.




US Securities and Exchange Commission Website Restored After Hours of Downtime
According to PANews, the official website of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been restored after experiencing several hours of downtime. The cause of the outage has not been disclosed.查看原始新闻……
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据 PANews 报道,区块链平台Berachain通过出售数字代币筹集资金,估值将达到15亿美元。在Brevan Howard Digital和Framework Ventures联合领投的一轮逾6900万美元融资中,Berachain正成为独角兽。Berachain专注于去中心化金融(DeFi),拥有三种主要代币,即BERA、BGT和Honey稳定币。该区块链的测试版本已于一月份向公众发布,但项目尚未完全启动。Berachain此前的投资者包括Polychain Capital、Hack VC、Robot Ventures等。……
PANews 3月15日消息,据彭博社报道,知情人士表示,区块链平台Berachain通过出售数字代币来筹集资金,其估值将达到15亿美元,在Brevan Howard Digital和Framework Ventures联合领投的一轮逾6900万美元融资中,Berachain正在成为独角兽。Brevan Howard Digital和Framework Ventures均拒绝置评。Berachain没有立即回应置评请求。据悉,Berachain专注于去中心化金融(DeFi),它可以在不使用银行等传统中介机构的情况下进行交易、借贷。Berachain 拥有三种主要代币,即BERA和BGT以……






