FDIC Official Urges Regulators to Be More Proactive on Blockchain Technology

According to Bloomberg, FDIC official Bobby Hitt has called for regulators to adopt a m

2024-03-12 06:57:03   作者:  Alexandre

According to Bloomberg, FDIC official Bobby Hitt has called for regulators to adopt a more proactive approach to blockchain technology, stating that the current stance is hindering innovation. Hitt, the agency's second-highest-ranking person, emphasized the importance of providing clarity on what is permissible and considered safe and sound in the rapidly evolving technology sector. Last year, top US bank regulators issued a warning to lenders about the risks associated with delving into crypto. The FDIC, in conjunction with other regulatory bodies, has been cautious in its approach to the technology. Hitt urged regulators to differentiate between crypto and tokenization, which involves creating digital representations of physical assets often using blockchain technology. Hitt also criticized the lack of public information on the types of activities the FDIC might be open to, due to the confidential nature of the existing process. Additionally, he expressed concerns about the SEC guidance, known as the Howey Test, which determines whether a digital asset is a security. Hitt believes the guidance is outdated and not suitable for the current digital asset landscape.




据 CryptoPotato 报道,过去几周,以太坊价格迅速上涨,突破了多个阻力位。然而,价格已经达到了一个可能让市场停滞一段时间的重要水平。TradingRage 的技术分析显示,从日线图来看,价格稳步上升,创下更高的高点和低点。目前,ETH价格正试图突破4000美元的阻力位,上周未能实现这一目标。如果突破发生,ETH可能会达到新的历史高点。然而,从RSI上的大量超买信号来看,短期内回调的可能性相当大。在4小时时间框架上,价格在4000美元以下的区域整理了一段时间。然而,看涨势头似乎再次出现,ETH正濒临突破4000美元的阻力区。相对强度指数(RSI)也显示出50%以上的数值,但在这个……
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