MetaMask Tests Mastercard Payment Card for Crypto Spending

According to CoinDesk, MetaMask is testing a Mastercard payment card, which it claims t

2024-03-12 06:57:02   作者:  Alexandre

According to CoinDesk, MetaMask is testing a Mastercard payment card, which it claims to be the first entirely on-chain card. This card will allow users to spend cryptocurrency on everyday purchases at locations where cards are accepted. MetaMask, a popular cryptocurrency wallet for the Ethereum blockchain, has over 30 million monthly active users. Mastercard, on the other hand, is a major player in the conventional financial system, with its credit and debit card network spanning the globe. The MetaMask/Mastercard payment card aims to be the first truly decentralized web3 payment solution. Mastercard and its rival Visa have been engaging with public blockchain developer communities and self-custody wallet providers recently. In October last year, CoinDesk reported that Mastercard was working with hardware wallet firm Ledger and MetaMask. Visa has been collaborating with the USDC stablecoin and the Solana blockchain on cross-border payments and addressing issues such as Ethereum gas fees. MetaMask developer Consensys did not immediately respond to a request for comment, while a Mastercard representative referred to the company's statement from October regarding its innovative products and solutions in the digital assets space.




波卡 Polkadot 推出 Alpha 计划助力区块链项目落地
据星球日报报道,波卡 Polkadot 宣布在 Agile Coretime 上线前推出 Polkadot Alpha 计划,旨在帮助更多团队将区块链创意落地并转化为项目。据悉,Polkadot Alpha 计划将面向各个发展阶段的团队开放,包括:平行链团队、基础设施提供商、以及Dapp 团队,目前该计划已开放申请。查看原始新闻……
据 Bloomberg 报道,美国联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)副主席 Hill 在周一表示,官员们应对区块链技术采取更积极的态度。他认为,监管者的立场阻碍了创新。Hill 呼吁监管者在加密和代币化之间做出区分,代币化通常使用区块链技术将物理资产数字化。他还批评了美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的指导意见。查看原始新闻……
Masverse与MIIX Capital将于3月13日在马来西亚举办MasChain Dev Day专场讨论会
据深潮TechFlow报道,Masverse与MIIX Capital将于3月13日19:30 - 21:30在马来西亚吉隆坡举办MasChain Dev Day专场讨论会,探讨IEO在马来西亚金融市场的增长和机遇。 活动将介绍MasChain的架构功能与应用场景,以及其在填补区块链解决方案市场空白方面的作用。专家将分享对监管框架、市场趋势和未来创新融资模式的见解。查看原始新闻……
Kickstarter 完成 1 亿美元融资,将转型为 Web 3 公司
据 Foresight News 报道,美国产品募资平台 Kickstarter 完成 1 亿美元融资,a16z crypto 领投,Yes VC 等参投。作为回报,Kickstarter 将转型成为一家 Web 3 公司,将其整个平台转移到 Celo 区块链上。用户将能够围绕动漫等小众兴趣创建自己的迷你平台,吸引更多的人,并与 Kickstarter 分享利润。Kickstarter 成立于 2009 年,是一个让艺术家或创作者向公众募集资金,为他们的新专辑、棋盘游戏或漫画书提供资金的网站。……






