SOL突破150 USDT,24小时涨幅2.16%

据币安行情数据显示,SOL 突破 150 USDT,现报 151.63 USDT,24小时涨幅2.16%。

2024-03-08 23:07:35   作者:  链谈快讯

据币安行情数据显示,SOL 突破 150 USDT,现报 151.63 USDT,24小时涨幅2.16%。




Solana Jito 验证者小费收入创新高,但存在漏洞被 MEV Bot 利用
据吴说报道,近期 Solana DEX 交易活跃,Solana Jito 验证者小费(tip)收入达到高峰。3 月 6 日,Jito 小费收入达 9.32k SOL(价值 120 万美元),创下新高。用户通过 Jito 向验证者支付小费,以获得更好的执行效果。然而,有用户反馈,近期 Solana MEV Bot 十分猖獗,用户交易容易被夹。TG Bot 项目 pepe boost 表示,Jito 存在假的小费的漏洞,导致被 MEV Bot 用假的小费占用了防夹区块,正常用户的防夹交易很容易被挤掉。……
Binance Market Update (2024-03-08)
The global cryptocurrency market cap now stands at $2.51T, down by -0.04% over the last day, according to CoinMarketCap data. Bitcoin (BTC) has been trading between $66,456 and $67,980 over the past 24 hours. As of 09:30 AM (UTC) today, BTC is trading at $67,206, up by 0.79%. Most major cryptoc……
Mechanism Capital Co-Founder Predicts Arrival of Meme Coin 2.0 and Culture Coins
According to BlockBeats, Andrew Kang, co-founder and partner of crypto venture capital firm Mechanism Capital, recently stated that the market is currently in the most interesting part of the meme coin parabolic curve. These coins have already demonstrated enough momentum to attract 100 times the……
Solana DeFi Sector Sees Massive Growth With Record Trading Volume
According to CryptoPotato, Solana's decentralized finance (DeFi) sector has experienced significant growth, with the decentralized exchange (DEX) trading volume surpassing $2 billion for four consecutive days from March 3 to March 6. The figure reached a record high of $2.85 billion on March 5. O……


索拉纳(Solana )是一个结合了权益证明共识算法(PoS)和创新的历史证明系统(PoH)的网络区块链,提供快速、安全、可扩展、去中心化的应用程序和市场。





